Friday, June 12, 2009

A few reminders

Tomorrow is the park wide yard sale. Looks like we are going to have good weather. Don't forget to come down to the recreational hall and support the fund raiser yard sale also.

While traveling throughout the park, please remember to maintain the speed limit.

The annual lot inspections are scheduled to begin soon. You will receive a 24 hour notice prior to your lot being done. Please make sure your pets are secured.

The summer party will coming up in August, tickets will be available in July. Don't miss out on the fun and the best chowder and clam cakes of the summer. Last years hit menu is being brought back by popular demand.

Enjoy your summer and remember the children will soon be out of school, so please drive safely.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Available from Association

The Association currently has 2 vacant lots which will house new homes. Qualified buyers may select the interior colors of their decor.

We also have 3 homes which we will be offering for sale.

Interested buyers may contact the office for details

System Repaired

At long last the blog is back up and running

Please do come back and check for up-dates when you are in need of quick information

Sorry for the inconvenience caused while we were off line

Joan Frances Allan, President
Maplehill Mobile Park Resident's Association